About Kristin

Today I would love to share with you a personal story of how The Zero Waste Supply Co. came to be.

To learn more you can read an interview with our local media @ bit.ly/kelowninfocus

In 2016 my husband I decided to live our lives fully on our own inner compass and do away with living within society norms.  We sold our house in the suburbs and designed and built our dream home on 10 acres in the forest.  We knew this would be a stressful time but had no idea how hard things were about to get. 

I had already been fighting a long battle with a disease called rheumatoid arthritis.  It is considered to be one the most painful diseases in the World.  The stress of the huge life shift caused my disease to explode into every part of body leaving me bed ridden for 70%-80% of the time.  I was so thin and weak the people around me were fearful I wouldn’t survive.  That time in my life was pure torture, physically and mentally.

When we finally settled into our house I took time to recover, except everything I did to regain my health failed.

In February of 2018 an idea came to me in a flash, Mason Jar Lids.  Seeing as I was restricted to my bed I decided to use that time to search out the best solutions in sustainable products with the main focus centred around the mason jar.  I brought in over 400 items to test (less than half passed).

Last September Mason Jar Lids was ready but my body was not.  At that point I couldn’t stand or walk for longer than 5 minutes.  I decided that I would move forward anyway and set the intention that the Universe would bring me answers for my health.

Mason Jar Lids launched October 1st, 2018.  Two days before, I came across a registered Nutritionist that had cured herself of an autoimmune disease.  It felt right.  That day I made an investment in myself I will never regret.

Along side the launch of Mason Jar Lids I started another journey, one towards health.  Day by day, Mason Jars Lids’ message spreads and day by day, I am gaining my life back.

I know this is my second chance and will spend everyday for the rest of my life doing everything in my personal power to improve the state of our planet and the lives of those who live upon it.

Together We Can Change... EVERYTHING .


Much ❤️, Kristin