A Personal Letter From Kristin...

A letter from Kristin…

As I sit to write this tears of gratitude roll down my cheeks.  It has been an emotional few months.  The closure of the company was deeply personal and I found myself needing the time to grieve and let go of what was.  This company was built on Love.  Love for our planet and for those who live upon it.   I am perpetually in awe of this experience.  I couldn’t be more thrilled that it will be relaunched by an awesome human being.  I trust whole heartedly the integrity this company was built upon will carry forward.

I am a firm believer that things are happening for you, not to you.  Like many others, this last year has been THE MOST CHALLENGING and THE MOST LIBERATING year of all time and space that ever was in existence of ever.  Hahaha.  For myself, it started in March of last year when I went on a spirit journey (yes, with a Shaman and everything).  Let’s just say it was like 5 years of therapy condensed into one night.  I was at a fork in road in life.  One I had faced several times before.  Up until this point I had always come back to the same ultimate choice.  To continue along the same path I was already walking.  During this experience I was shown that if I wanted to live life to its fullest potential I would have to step on to the path unknown.

Another message I received that night was to go back to school for a deeper understanding of the dynamics of the human mind.  This message was so clear and compelling.  Fast forward to last September, The Zero Waste Supply Co was experiencing amazing growth.  We had real life employees and the company had found its groove :)  So, I started my schooling to become a Registered Professional Counsellor.  I still had no idea why I was taking this schooling.  But there I was.  

Coming into the present moment.  Now, just over a year after that spiritual experience so much has happened!

  1. I started to receive medical treatments to reverse the damage caused by a 12 experience with the disease rheumatoid arthritis.  In the past, I have been told I need a minimum of three joint replacements.  I have not received any as of yet and guess what?!  I ride a longboard and walk 7 kilometres a day.  So grateful for advancements in medical technology!
  2. I am doing my practicum work at a fantastic organization called Mamas for Mamas.  I work in the “At Risk” department and have a full case load working predominantly with Moms in critical situations.  I specialize in Family Law and Abuse cases.  It is challenging and deeply fulfilling work.  It makes my soul sing!
  3. Through the difficult personal experiences of the past year I have become passionate about conflict resolution.  After I complete my Registered Professional Counsellor designation I will be going back into school to receive my Family Law Mediation Certification.  From here, I will be working with a brilliant team of people from a variety of fields to open a Mediation and Consulting firm.  Head quarters will be located in Kelowna, BC.  I will look forward to sharing more as the details unfold!  It’s going to be a beautiful thing!

I have come to know so many of you personally through this beautiful business.  The relationships that were built is what I cherish most.  I would love to continue to keep in touch.  My personal instagram handle is @_kristinwild_.

Keep up the great work of being you!

Much Love,

Kristin Wild

Together We Can Change…  EVERYTHING